Day 0 - Session: Initial exploration

At the start of the exploration, we want to review their product and needs to understand and advise on the best approach to work with index, as well as address any concerns associated with using index.

By the end of the call we should have a broad scope of what features they need, and an agreed timeline to make a decision on whether index is right for them.

Day -1 - Session: Initial Demo

Our moat is that we provide access to virtually all merchants’ listing information and aggregate to make listings queriable for all clients. We want new customers to see the value of this as quickly as possible when evaluating us against other solutions.

For high-touch prospective customers the following process will get them onboarded quickly so that they can experience the value we provide using their own product data.

The process should run for 2 weeks by default, but can be extended if we think it’s worth the additional effort.

The aim at the end of the evaluation is to have them:

  1. Set up with a list of merchants they care about
  2. Understand how to make queries against the merchants’ listings

At the end of the demo call

If at the end of a demo call we think a customer qualifies for high-touch onboarding we should outline our suggested evaluation approach. If they aren’t quite ready to kick the evaluation off then we will follow up with an email reminding them of the process, then check in with them after they’ve had some time to regroup.

High touch onboarding

As a small team we have limited bandwidth to run customer evaluations so we need to focus on potential customers who:

  1. Are likely to contract above $20k with us. (Ideally we qualify this by giving indicative pricing in the demo)
  2. Are likely to enter into an annual contract. (This is quite a high-effort process for people just going month to month)
  3. Are ready to get hands-on with index and will make a decision in weeks, not months.

Expectations of the customer

We’ll need them to be able to demo their product to us, as well as attend at least one call where we scope out the requirements and help them get set up.

Ideally we will also have them in Slack Connect channel so that we can provide responsive support and expose them to the wider index team.

Day 2 - Session: Using index

The aim of this call is to get the customer familiar with navigating the index API as well as:

  • Defining Sources
  • Defining Mappings
  • Creating Jobs
  • Creating Webhooks

As much as possible the customer should be sharing their screen and driving the session, by teaching them to fish they become comfortable and self-sufficient with index.


index should be set up in line with what was shared after the previous call.


  1. Review goals/agenda

  2. Have them share screen and guide them through:

    1. The index API
    2. Defining Sources
    3. Defining Mappings
    4. Creating Jobs
    5. Creating Webhooks
  3. Show them the billing page and their projected usage (pricing discussion)

Next Steps

If they do become a customer (yay!) then we should agree a regular check in call cadence with them from the start.

Ongoing Training

Enterprise customers will also receive 1-2 hours of bespoke training per quarter according to their needs. This can be delivered in a few formats depending on where the customer is in their index journey:

  1. A deep-dive on a specific topic of their choosing.

  2. Question and Answer session with their CSM.

  3. An intro/set-up session for a index feature they’ve not used yet.