The validateProducts function is used to validate an array of products against a specified target format. It returns an array of validation results for each product.

Function Signature

validateProducts(data: [JSON!]!, targetFormat: TargetFormatInput): [ValidationResult!]


  • data: An array of JSON objects representing the products to be validated.
  • targetFormat: Specifies the structure to validate against, either as ID or object array, see TargetFormatInput. If not specified, the default target format will be used.

Return Value

An array of ValidationResult objects, one for each product, each containing:

  • valid: A boolean indicating whether the product passed all validations
  • errors: An array of JSON objects containing any validation errors
type ValidationResult {
  valid: Boolean!
  errors: [JSON!]


query {
    data: [
      { name: "Product 1", price: 10.99, category: "Electronics" },
      { name: "Product 2", price: -5, category: "" }
    targetFormat: {
      id: "4545", # use an ID from the saved target format
      data: {     # alternatively, submit the target format as a JSON object
        "Name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Product name",
          "attributes": ["required", "capitalized"]
        "Price": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "Product price",
          "attributes": ["required", "positiveNumber", "currency"]
        "Category": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Product category",
          "attributes": ["required"]

Validation Rules

The targetFormat object specifies the validation rules for each field. The following attributes are supported:

  • required: Field must not be empty
  • capitalized: Each word in the field must start with an uppercase letter
  • positiveNumber: Field must be a positive number
  • currency: Field must be a valid currency amount

Additional attributes may be available depending on the specific implementation.


Example 1: Basic Validation

query {
    data: [
      { name: "Laptop", price: 999.99, category: "Electronics" },
      { name: "smartphone", price: -100, category: "" }
    targetFormat: {
      id: "basic-format",
      data: {
        "Name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Product name",
          "attributes": ["required", "capitalized"]
        "Price": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "Product price",
          "attributes": ["required", "positiveNumber", "currency"]
        "Category": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Product category",
          "attributes": ["required"]

Expected output:

    valid: true,
    errors: []
    valid: false,
    errors: [
      { name: "Name must be capitalized (each word's first letter should be uppercase)" },
      { price: "Price must be a positive number" },
      { category: "Category is required" }

Example 2: Advanced Validation

query {
    data: [
        name: "Smart Watch",
        price: 199.99,
        email: "",
        releaseDate: "2023-05-15T10:00:00",
        discount: 10
        name: "Fitness tracker",
        price: 49.99,
        email: "invalid-email",
        releaseDate: "2023-05-15",
        discount: 5
    targetFormat: {
      id: "advanced-format",
      data: {
        "Name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Product name",
          "attributes": ["required", "capitalized"]
        "Price": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "Product price",
          "attributes": ["required", "positiveNumber", "currency"]
        "Email": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Contact email",
          "attributes": ["required", "email"]
        "ReleaseDate": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Product release date",
          "attributes": ["required", "datetime"]
        "Discount": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "Product discount percentage",
          "attributes": ["required", "percentage"]

Expected output:

    valid: true,
    errors: []
    valid: false,
    errors: [
      { name: "Name must be capitalized (each word's first letter should be uppercase)" },
      { email: "Email must be a valid email address" },
      { releaseDate: "ReleaseDate must be a valid datetime in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss" },
      { discount: "Discount must be a valid percentage" }

This updated documentation reflects the new schema structure and provides examples using the GraphQL query format. It also references the TargetFormatInput type, which should be detailed in the Types documentation.